On Suncentral, you can see the booklet has been posted, but you can’t click or view the document. This is to protect Client confidentiality. Only Clients will be able to click and view the entire booklet as it contains medical information. 

Clients can also digitally access other documents connected to their policy including: 

  • Welcome letters 
  • Decline letters that are produced after the policy booklet (such as a not proceeded with letter) 
  • Amendments made after the policy is in force 
  • Annual policyholder statements 

What does this mean? 

Encourage Clients to sign up for sunlife.ca or the mySunLife mobile app if they haven't already. The sunlife.ca registration brochure is also available to Clients to help them navigate the sign-up process. This allows Clients to easily view their policy documents in a central location. It can also help reduce the number of requests you receive for duplicate policy booklets.  

Clients can also choose to go paperless for documents received once the policy is in force. This lets you offer a fully digital experience to Clients. However, we won’t stop printing booklets at this time.   

Questions? Contact the Advisor Experience Team