Sun Life Investment GIF e-App

Helping you grow and simplify your business!

Save time with faster turnaround and approvals.

The Investment GIF e-App is designed as a guided workflow to ensure your segregated fund application will be accepted the first time around. But it is also designed to:

Saving time

Say goodbye to wasted hours filling out paper forms or resubmitting applications due to small errors or missing information.

Save money

Going digital means you to save on business expenses like gas, printing, office supplies… you get the idea!

Save our planet

That allows you to give back to your team, Clients, and yourself!Small changes make a big difference.

Operating online means less paper, helping our planet in a small but mighty way.

New users can learn more about the features, benefits and available resources, by visiting Investment GIF e-App to see how it can help grow and simplify your business.

Existing user? Launch the GIF e-App!

Have a look at us now!

Sun Life Global Investments is a trade name of SLGI Asset Management Inc., Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada and Sun Life Financial Trust Inc.

Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is the issuer of guaranteed insurance contracts, including Accumulation Annuities (Insurance GICs), Payout Annuities, and Individual Variable Insurance Contracts (Sun Life GIFs).

© Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, and its licensors, 2020. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of the Sun Life group of companies. All rights reserved.

Who can I contact for help?

Client Services: 1-844-753-4437 (844-SLF-GIFS)

Technical support: ATS: 1-800-800-4SUN (4786)


Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
30 Adelaide Street East, Suite 1
Toronto, ON M5C 3G9