Heart attack


Heart attack (acute myocardial infarction) means a definite diagnosis of the death of heart muscle due to obstruction of blood flow, that results in a rise and fall of biochemical cardiac markers to levels considered diagnostic of acute myocardial infarction, with at least one of the following:

  • heart attack symptoms
  • new electrocardiogram (ECG) changes consistent with a heart attack
  • development of new pathological Q waves on ECG following coronary angiography and/or angioplasty.

The diagnosis of heart attack (acute myocardial infarction) must be made by a specialist. The insured person must survive for 30 days following the date of diagnosis.


No benefit will be payable under this condition for:

  • elevated biochemical cardiac markers as a result of an intra arterial cardiac procedure including, but not limited to, coronary angiography and coronary angioplasty, in the absence of new Q waves, or
  • ECG changes suggesting a prior myocardial infarction, which do not meet the heart attack definition as described above.