If the insured person dies and the policy includes a return of premium on death benefit a claim should be submitted for the benefit.
- A claim statement must be completed by the policy owner or if deceased by the policy owner's estate trustee (also known as the executor).
- In addition, an original Funeral Director's statement must be provided. If death occurs within Canada a copy can be submitted with an obituary or the name, address and phone number of the funeral home handling the services.
- If the policy does not include the return of premium on death benefit (ROPD) benefit, there could be a refund of unused premium, which will be paid upon receipt of a Funeral Director's statement.
To make a claim for the return of premium on death benefit, send the E84 – Claimant statement and proof of death to:
Individual Claims Services
Sun Life
PO Box 1601 Station Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2J 4C5
Sun Code 300A50