Creating a financial strategy for families is an important element of life that many parents and grandparents can support. Taking the time to help make sure Clients’ families are financially secure is one of the best things you can do for them.

That plan can include Participating life insurance for children. It’s one of the best ways to give children a secure financial future and create a family legacy.

Kickstart the Par for Children conversation with Clients

These new resources will help you introduce Participating life insurance for children with Clients and prospects:

Resource Type






Share this video on social media, link to it from your website or play it during meetings with Clients. The video provides an overview of the benefits of buying Par while a child is young.

English video

French video

Simplified Chinese video



Use this presentation during meetings to support Client conversations. It helps you explain the benefits of Sun Par Protector II for children.

English presentation

French presentation

Email template


Use the email template to share the above video with Clients and prospects to promote Participating life insurance for children.

English email template

French email template

Simplified Chinese email template


The resources for advisors are also available on Suncentral.

Don’t forget! Sun Critical Illness Insurance has unique benefits designed just for kids that can contribute financially to their futures.

Get applications approved, fast

Many Participating life insurance policies for children are eligible for underwriting pre-approval. Submit your applications using Sun eApp for the chance to give Clients great news right away!


To learn more about Sun Par solutions and resources available you, reach out to your Regional Sales Director or an Insurance Sales Representative.