Term for Diabetes

Advisor use only

Client engagement: Evolve Term, Bridge Term and Term for Diabetes  

Evolve Term, Bridge Term and Term for Diabetes solutions include post-sale direct-to-Client communications that:  

  • educate Clients about their insurance coverage
  • provide them with any wellness resources available to them
  • remind them of time sensitive actions, and
  • direct them back to you

These touchpoints encourage Clients to connect with you at key moments and help you keep up-to-date with their changing needs.  

No action is required on your part. The servicing advisor’s information is prominent, so the Client knows you’re the person to contact when they need advice. We’re sharing this information so you’re aware of what Clients will see.  


Once their policy is in force, we’ll mail Clients a welcome letter inviting them to register for mysunlife.ca. Once registered, they’ll see messages to help them engage with their product and advisor.

For example, Evolve Term Clients may not think about increasing their coverage to meet their new needs when life changes. Clients who register on mysunlife.ca will see reminders that they can increase their coverage with their advisor at certain life events.

Product-specific Client emails

Depending on their product, Clients will receive emails from Sun Life to remind them about timely actions, for example:

  • re-submitting labs for Achievers Term
  • re-applying for life insurance for Bridge Term
  • Diabetes Care Program access and resources to help them manage their health

For Achievers Term and Bridge Term, advisors will receive notifications of time sensitive actions through Activity Centre: 

For Achievers Term: we’ll notify advisors after:

  • 10 months – to let you know we’ve ordered labs
  • 11 months – if we haven’t received labs
  • 12 months - if we haven’t received labs 
  • If the Client has completed the labs but has not met or maintained the required health goals, we’ll notify you of the Client’s reduction in face amount and change to premium
  • 13 months – to notify you of a policy change, if we haven’t received labs

For Bridge Term: we’ll notify advisors 45 days before the policy expires

Sample messages

These documents outline the Client experience, your opportunities, and show examples of messages Clients will see.

Evolve Term

Bridge Term

Term for Diabetes