For 2025, we are maintaining the Clarica dividend scale interest rate of 6.65%.

In addition, we are also maintaining other experience portions of a Client’s specific dividend scale, including mortality, policy surrender, expenses, and taxes. The special dividend we declared with the 2023 Clarica dividend scale will also be maintained.

The dividend scale interest rate reflects the investment experience of the participating account, which is passed back to Clients as part of the dividend. This rate is not the same as the return Clients can expect to receive on their policy.

The Clarica and Sun Life dividend scales are separate, with distinct participating accounts. We decide on the dividend scales independently of each other, and a decision on one dividend scale does not necessarily mean the same decision will be made for the other.

The decision to maintain the Clarica dividend scale was approved by the Board of Directors of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, based on Sun Life's Dividend Policy and the recommendation of our Appointed Actuary.

As always, Clients can continue to benefit from Sun Life's prudent management, long-term investment strategy, and the strength of the participating account.

Contact us: Dividend option - inquire