April 30, 2024

April 30, 2024

12 pm - 1:15 pm ET

1:15 pm - 2:30 pm ET

Topic 1: Aging and incapacity: are you ready for the silver tsunami?

Topic 2: Family legacy conversation - becoming the trusted family advisor

CE Credit Eligible

Aging and incapacity: are you ready for the silver tsunami?

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For the first time in history, seniors make up a bigger share of Canada’s population than children. Our aging population and increased life expectancy means advisors must be prepared to accommodate the unique needs of this growing client segment, understand capacity and decision making and help clients age with dignity.

John A. Stewart John A. Stewart

John A. Stewart B.A. CFP CSP 

John Stewart has over 30 years experience in the financial services industry, as a financial advisor, branch manager and director. John brings a wealth of knowledge in helping advisors build better practices and increasing the size of their businesses. As a director with a leading financial services company in Canada, John was directly involved in the design, implementation and delivery of an industry leading national training program. 

John is an award winning public speaker, and as a long time advisor himself, John’s strength lies in his ability to relate to advisors in a way that is relaxed, entertaining and thought provoking.  

As an author and adventurer, John has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro 3 times, and also to the Base Camp of Mt. Everest.  

Continuing Education Accreditation Chart
Jurisdictions # of Credits Type of Credit
Alberta Insurance Council (AIC) 1 Life and A&S
Insurance Council of British Columbia (ICBC)  1 Life and A&S
Insurance Council of Manitoba (ICM)  1 Life and A&S
Financial Services Regulatory Authority - Ontario (FSRA)
Autorité ontarienne de réglementation des services financiers (ARSF)
1 Life and A&S
Institut de Planification Financière 1 SC
Chambre de la sécurité financière 1 Compliance 
Insurance Councils of Saskatchewan  (ICS) 1 Life and A&S
FP Canada 1 Financial Planning
CIRO, Investment Dealer Division (Cycle 9)
OCRI, Division des courtiers en valeurs mobilières
1 Compliance
CIRO, Investment Dealer Division (Cycle 10)
OCRI, Division des courtiers en valeurs mobilières
1 Compliance
CIRO, Mutual Fund Division
OCRI, Division des fonds communs de placement
1 Business Conduct (Ethics)
The Institute (Advocis) - IAFE 1 Ethics

Family legacy conversation - becoming the trusted family advisor

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The great wealth transfer is happening now. Are you facilitating family wealth conversations with clients and their loved ones? Learn how to differentiate yourself, extend generational reach and build a sustainable practice through family conversations, positioning yourself as the trusted family advisor.

John A. Stewart John A. Stewart

John A. Stewart B.A. CFP CSP 

John Stewart has over 30 years experience in the financial services industry, as a financial advisor, branch manager and director. John brings a wealth of knowledge in helping advisors build better practices and increasing the size of their businesses. As a director with a leading financial services company in Canada, John was directly involved in the design, implementation and delivery of an industry leading national training program. 

John is an award winning public speaker, and as a long time advisor himself, John’s strength lies in his ability to relate to advisors in a way that is relaxed, entertaining and thought provoking.  

As an author and adventurer, John has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro 3 times, and also to the Base Camp of Mt. Everest.  

Continuing Education Accreditation Chart
Jurisdictions # of Credits Type of Credit
Alberta Insurance Council (AIC) 1 Life
FP Canada 1 Financial Planning
CIRO, Investment Dealer Division (Cycle 10)
OCRI, Division des courtiers en valeurs mobilières
1 Professional Development
Insurance Council of Manitoba (ICM)  1 Life and A&S
CIRO, Mutual Fund Division
OCRI, Division des fonds communs de placement
1 Professional Development
Financial Services Regulatory Authority - Ontario (FSRA)
Autorité ontarienne de réglementation des services financiers (ARSF)
1 Life and A&S
Chambre de la sécurité financière 1 General 
Insurance Councils of Saskatchewan  (ICS) 1 Life and A&S
The Institute (Advocis) - IAFE 1 General