Getting an illustration

Illustrations online

For your convenience, you can create your own illustrations using our online illustration tool. Rates are always current on the tool. For most of your sales, you don't need to contact us to get an illustration.

Payout Annuity Income Illustration tool

Illustration tool output

You'll be able to:

  • print an illustration in PDF format (Adobe Acrobat electronic file).
  • produce several versions of the illustration using the revised data you entered.

When you log in to the Advisor site, you can save your illustrations and you can work on them when it is convenient for you. 

Since you can save your illustrations, you can work on them when it's convenient for you. Please remember that if you close the window or exit the illustration without saving it, your information will be lost.

Special illustrations you must contact us for:

  • An age rating (Essential Care Annuity), 
  • Total premium over $2,000,000, which will require our Pricing Team's review,
  • Premium from a locked-in source to which both pre- and post-legislative (sex distinct vs. unisex) pricing applies, 
  • Premium from a non-registered life insurance or wealth contract with an unreported gain to be carried over, 
  • Premium from qualified internal policies that are eligible for enhanced annuity rates, 
  • Reduced commission,
  • Integrated income,
  • Funded by RPP – DBPP (Defined Benefit Pension Plan) or “copy-cat” illustrations,
  • Price match illustrations for premiums $500,000 and over (with a copy of the competition’s illustration for pricing review)

For these illustrations, email and ensure your subject line includes one of the following keyword sets:

  • Payout Annuity illustration
  • Payout Annuity Quote
  • Advisor Plan Quote
  • Impaired Annuity Quote
  • Child Inheritance Quote
  • Copy Cat Quote
  • Large Case Quote
  • Jumbo Quote