Multi illustration capability

The Situation:

You’re wondering how you can make use of Sun Life Illustrations multi illustration capability.

How to add an illustration with the same product and same client

Follow these steps when you want to look at product variations to see which works best for your client. For example, what is the difference between Par with offset after 10 years or buying the Par 10 Pay?

  • Launch the Par product illustration.
  • In Illustration 1, enter the client and coverage info, choosing Offset at year 11.
  • Click the options arrow beside the name Illustration 1 and choose the Duplicate option. This creates Illustration 2 as an exact duplicate of Illustration 1 including all client, coverage and payment information.
  • Modify Illustration 2 by removing Offset and selecting the 10 Pay premium option.
  • Now you can review the projected values of Illustration 1 vs Illustration 2.

Naming your illustrations:

Name your illustrations for easy reference. Click the options arrow beside the name Illustration 1 and choose the Rename option. For example, you could rename Illustration 1 to be Offset and rename Illustration 2 to be 10 Pay.

How to add an illustration for a different product for the same client

Follow these steps when you want to look at different products to see which product works best for your client. For example, to compare a Par product solution vs a Universal Life product solution.

  • Launch the Par product illustration.
  • In Illustration 1, enter the client and coverage information.
  • Click the Add button.
  • In the window that appears, select the product you want to add and select the option to Carry over insured information for the first client.
  • Click the Create button
  • In Illustration 2, select the appropriate Universal Life coverage and payment options.
  • Now you can review the projected values of Illustration 1 vs Illustration 2.