Long Term Care Insurance - Plan changes

A plan change allows the policy owner to modify a policy with coverage options that would have been available at the time of issue. Medical evidence is not required for these changes.

Plan changes available for Clarica LTCI series

  1. Reduce the weekly benefit amount:
    • Minimum: $150
    • When decreasing the weekly benefit amount, we remove the Inflation Protection increase layers first. The client has the option to continue paying premiums for any Inflation Protection increases they have accumulated to date or to have these increases removed and pay a reduced premium.
  2. Lengthen the waiting period:
    • 90 or 180 days
  3. Remove the Return of premium on death (ROPD):
    • All accumulated ROPD value will be lost.
  4. Decrease the benefit period:
    • 500, 250, 150 or 100 weeks

Plan changes available for Sun Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) series

  1. Remove coverage (subject to what is available for the policy):
    • Remove the Comprehensive benefit
      • When removing the Comprehensive benefit, the Facility benefit waiting period cannot remain at 0 days. The waiting period must be lengthened to 30 or 90 days.
    • Remove the Facility care benefit
  2. Reduce the weekly benefit amount (subject to what is available for the policy):
    • Comprehensive benefit amount: minimum $150
      • If the policy includes a Facility care benefit, the Comprehensive weekly benefit must be at least 50% of the Facility care benefit amount.
    • Facility care benefit amount: minimum $150
  3. Lengthen the waiting period (subject to what is available for the policy):
    • Comprehensive benefit: 90 or 180 days
    • Facility care benefit: 30 or 90 days
  4. Decrease the benefit period (subject to what is available for the policy):
    • Comprehensive benefit: 250, 150 or 100 weeks
    • Reduce the Facility care benefit period: 250, 150 or 100 weeks
  5. Remove the Return of premium on death (ROPD):
    • The accumulated ROPD value will be forfeited.
  6. Change the Inflation Protection:
    • Reduce the amount of the Inflation Protection increases from 2% to 0%
      • The weekly benefit amount will still increase by 3% every anniversary if the client is receiving benefits. The client has the option to continue paying premiums for any Inflation Protection increases they have accumulated to date or to have these increases removed and pay a reduced premium.
    • Remove the Inflation Protection
      • The client has the option to continue paying premiums for any Inflation Protection increases they have accumulated to date or to have these increases removed and pay a reduced premium.

Plan changes available for Sun Retirement Health Assist (RHA) policies

  1. Reduce the weekly benefit amount:
    • Minimum: $500
  2. Lengthen the waiting period:
    • 730 days (2 years)
  3. Remove the optional Return of premium on death (ROPD):
    • The automatic ROPD will still be available on the policy, but if the insured person dies after the coverage effective date, there will be no ROPD value.

To request a plan change for Clarica LTCI, Sun LTCI or Sun RHA policies use Change form - Long term care insurance (form E220)