Answers to your questions
We have shifted many of our life and health products to age-nearest pricing, enabling you to offer your clients the most competitive rates possible and making it easier for you to do business with us.
When you enter the client's date of birth, the sales illustration system will update the client's age, based on the age-nearest or age-last basis depending on the product your client selected.
Comparing products
Depending on the client's date of birth, illustrations may appear at different ages based on the client's date of birth and whether the products you are comparing are on an age-nearest or age-last basis. For example, when you illustrate Sun CII, the illustration will calculate the client's age on an age-nearest basis.
Age and amount requirements are based on the client's age-nearest age.
Sun RHA will continue to be priced on an age-last basis. All other current plans are based on age-nearest.