Helpful tips for Suncentral

August 08, 2023

We know working with each insurance carrier is different. Here are some tips that can help you navigate Suncentral. 

There are multiple types of access available to you and you team on Suncentral. 

For security reasons, each website user must have their own Access ID and password. Credentials cannot be shared. 

If an assistant and/or co-worker needs access to an advisor’s block of business, they can complete their own registration for an access ID and password. In the request, they can state the advisor’s name and code they need access to. 

Register now

When creating a password, it’s important to use something unique that:

  • is between 8 and 10 characters,
  • has at least one alphabetic and one numeric character, and
  • has no spaces, symbols, or characters with accents.

The password requirements will always be shown when you go to reset your password. Select ‘personal profile’ and ‘reset password’ when you’re logged into the site. 

Please ensure your password has not been used before. It’s against our privacy standards to use the same password as another advisor/assistant/associate/firm user.

If you’re a user that has access to more than one advisors’ block of business, it’s important to only view one account at a time. The system doesn’t support multiple tabs being open for different advisors. In some instances, viewing multiple advisors’ information can:

  • Create viewing errors.
  • Display unreliable information

When you’re done viewing an advisor’s information (e.g. accessing an advisor’s personal messages, client information, or Sun eApp applications), it’s important to log out and close the tab before opening another advisor’s session.  

If you transfer firms, you need to update your communication preferences. You can also do this at any time.

Learn more about how to update your communication preferences

Once you’re done using Suncentral, it’s important to log out of your session. Leaving the site session open and unattended can lead to advisors’ account information being accessible to unknown parties and can cause a breach of confidential information.

Need help with Suncentral? Let’s connect.