Public - Homepage

Overview of the page

We’ve worked closely with users to redefine the homepage experience. Our previous homepage highlighted common forms and some quick links, but we wanted to surface more valuable information for our users in this new iteration. With Suncentral, we’ve introduced new sections or widgets that are designed to bring you the information you need quickly, so you know in a glance what impacts your business and where you can find the tool or application most useful to you.

Some of the new features we’ve introduced are:

Two stationary banners

You’ll find marketing and product promotions here, along with learning and recognition information. We’ll also leverage this space to share valuable updates about the site, tools and functionality that will make it easier to do business with Sun life.


We’ve added an Alerts widget so you can stay up to date on the planned upgrade, outages, and process updates from Sun Life. The alerts are organized by severity in three different categories: 

  • Urgent alerts will contain items that are unplanned and will impact your business. Some examples include if Suncentral is down or if there’s an issue with a tool like Sun eApp or Illustrations
  • Warning alerts will be posted if there are intermittent issues with a tool or a group of users, or if there are outages or website maintenance planned for a future date
  • Information alerts are all about keeping you up to date with changes to processes, tools, forms, etc.

All alerts will be removed once the issue has been resolved or update has been rolled out.

While the Alerts widget will only show the most recent 4 alerts, you can click on View all alerts or the Alerts link in Utility Nav to see all alerts that may impact you


In the previous site, News was hard to find. We’ve introduced a News widget to allow you to see the four most recent news items the moment you arrive to Suncentral. If you’d like to see all news, you can select the View all news or you can sign in and select the News tab from the secure homepage.

To keep the news as relevant as possible, we’re archiving news articles after 90 days. Important information that needs to live beyond 90 days will be added to the most appropriate section of the site. For example, if there’s a product update, you’ll find the update in the appropriate product section after 90 days. 

Common forms

We’ve kept the Common Forms widget and will continue to surface the most widely used forms here. If you’d like to view all forms, please click on the More forms link. Some fillable forms will present you with a “Please wait” error message or prompt you to download a different version of Adobe Reader. If you encounter that message, please visit our Browser compatibility for forms page <ADD LINK> for some helpful tips to resolve the error. 

Once on the Forms page, you’ll be able to sort on form number, form name, last updated date and eSign availability. 

Please note, the link to the form will open the PDF version. If you would like to access the eSign version, you can find the eSignature form selection tool on the Tools tab on the secure homepage. You can also find eSign forms in the Sun Life eApp tool. 

Click here for more information about where to find which forms.

We’re also introducing the ability to filter on categories of forms. If you’d like to see all forms related to a Beneficiary update, you can select Beneficiary from the Filter options and the list will be reduced to just those forms.

You can continue to search by a key word or a form number if you’re looking for a specific form.

How we help

Your relationship with Sun Life is our greatest focus. Visit our value proposition to learn more about how we can make the difference with real connection.

Continuing education credits

We know that Continuing Education is an important part of staying current and growing your business. We’ve added a direct link to the Advisor Learning Navigator where you can find new courses as well as the certificates for credits you’ve already earned.

Continuing education credits

We know that Continuing Education is an important part of staying current and growing your business. We’ve added a direct link to the Advisor Learning Navigator where you can find new courses as well as the certificates for credits you’ve already earned.

Recognition and events

We wanted to ensure you still had access to the programs and events you’ve come to know and appreciate. Check out the Recognition and Events widget for links into the most relevant events and programs for you.