Past webinars

July 2, 2024

Topic 1: A Deep Dive on Par Insurance  

Topic 2: The Art of Needs-Based Selling: Ensuring Suitability

See July 2 webinar details

June 4, 2024

Topic 1: Small business owner planning

Topic 2: Tax considerations when funding corporate held life insurance (2024)

See June 4 webinar details

May 23, 2024

Topic: Term life insurance at Sun Life is evolving

Watch the May 23 webinar

April 30, 2024

Topic 1:  Aging and incapacity: are you ready for the silver tsunami?

Topic 2: Family legacy conversations - becoming the trusted family advisor

See April 30 webinar details

April 2, 2024

Topic 1: Introduction to Critical Illness Insurance (CII) underwriting

Topic 2: Income splitting through the years (2024)

See April 2 webinar details

Sweet Spots at Sun Life for Life Insurance

Arnab Roy

October 17, 2023

The presentation provides an overview of our life insurance product shelf, including pricing “sweet spots”, unique product features, sales strategies, and much more.

Three options are better than one + Suncentral training

Allester Arellano

May 16, 2023

Learn the differences between the three types of permanent life insurance coverage. Replacing the Sun Life advisor site, Suncentral will be the one place you can connect with us for your insurance business.

The Corporate Conversation

Holly Diep

April 18, 2023

Understand what makes business owner clients unique and how to best solve some of the corporate concerns with insurance strategies.

Sun Critical Illness Insurance for Children

Mike Ellis

March 21, 2023

Review the key features of Sun CII for Children and learn how to position the need and advantages of getting the insurance at an early age.

Family Legacy Conversations - Becoming The Trusted Family Advisor

John Stewart

February 21, 2023

Learn how to differentiate yourself, extend generational reach and build a sustainable practice through family conversations while positioning yourself as the trusted family advisor.